Born: Yes Age: less Occpation: Sufficient Sign: Neon Favorite Color: Purple
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Okay, this is just a brief synopsis about me. I'm a pre-media arts major at BYU, and I work in the children's department of the bookstore. I love childrens books and have aspirations to write them. I write anything that pops into my head, which is occasionally very interesting, at least to me. The picture above was taken during a two-year stint I did in the Amazon Jungle, in the city of Manaus. In case anybody cares, the house is in the Barrio Redencao, on the main street that runs up to Barrio da Paz (Formerly known as "A Planeta dos Maccacos," or "Planet of the Apes"). Aside from children's books, I also love the fiction of Orson Scott Card and Ray Bradbury.